As a lifelong Madison resident, I am committed to making Madison a better place for all to live!

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Julia Matthews smiling while at The North Street Cabaret


2023 Class Member of Emerge Wisconsin, the state's premier organization that recruits, trains and provides a powerful network to Democratic women who want to run for office.

2022 Participant in the Wisconsin Women’s Network Accelerated Policy Institute, which aims to grow the number of women who have the confidence, skills, and strategic know-how to successfully engage in their local and statewide communities on policy issues that matter to Wisconsin women and girls.

Why Me

  • Built career on critical thinking, attention to detail, and problem solving skills

  • Current and past union member

  • Working class background

  • Young, dedicated, and eager to serve

  • Passionate for this place and all its people

  • Renter

Why I’m Running

I love Madison and I really care about this place and the people that make it great. But I also know that there are a lot of racial and economic disparities here and not everyone’s experience is as good as mine has been. I’ve lived here my whole life and have always seen those disparities, especially as a kid going through MMSD (La Follette, Sennett, Henderson/formerly Glendale). And even for myself as a young adult and renter, I’ve seen homeownership become more and more out of reach and rent just keeps going up. I think back to my amazing neighborhood growing up where every other house was a young family and all of us kids in the neighborhood got to grow up together and it’s hard to imagine how young families can afford to live in the city today. As Madison continues to grow, I don’t want any existing residents to be pushed out and I don’t want the only new housing stock to be so expensive that the only people able to move to the city are people with the highest salaries.

I am running for District 12 Alder to do what I can to make Madison a better place for all people and to make sure as many different voices are heard at the city level as possible. I am here to listen to your concerns and do what I can to fight for District 12 and represent you!